
CoroUpdate is a platform for authentic information about the COVID-19 virus, provides statistics of the infection in different countries across the world. CoroUpdate also provides you with preventive measures and access to a helpline for emergencies.

Currently, a mode of treatment has not been confirmed for this disease. It is why the necessary measures should be taken to prevent infection. As the popular saying goes; “Prevention is better than cure.”


As stated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the following are symptoms of Covid-19, from the common to the most serious ones. Excessive sneezing

Dry Cough


headache img

Breathing difficult

Loss of taste/smell.


fever img

Rash/Discoloration of skin

7 steps to prevent covid-19

As mentioned earlier, no vaccine has been released yet, but there are measures to take to avoid contraction of this deadly disease. Below are some of them:


Regularly wash your hands. Do not do this with water alone as it isn’t effective, ensure to use soap. Alternatively, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer at intervals.


Avoid crowded places. If you have to go out, wear a nose mask properly. (Insert picture of the proper way to wear a mask) Keep it on during conversations and wash daily (if reusable).
Endeavor to shower immediately when you return from outings.


Maintain a six-feet minimum distance from people, whether you are in a conversation or not.


Avoid touching your face, putting fingers in your mouth, or picking your nose.


Stay away from smoking and other practices that weaken the lungs.


Eat healthy, to strengthen your immunity.


If you feel unwell or notice any of the symptoms, reach out.